August 26, 2005
August 13, 2005
Feeds, Permalinks & Trackbacks
I just set up RSS & Atom feeds above the fold on, my footballing blog.
Simultaneously I installed the Sage feed & newsreader plugin for the Mozilla Firefox browser on my new OS X 10.4 iMac (Dashboard is terrific eye candy). Easy as snap! A no-brainer.
FUSSnotes looks smooth when viewed within Firefox/Sage; each distinct post is neatly organized -- thank you XML -- within its container box in Sage. Two columns, as many down as you have. And the big surprise is there's a link (at bottom right of each FUSSnotes post container in Sage) to Technorati which will list all the posts, anywhere in the World, that are linking to that FUSSnotes post. You'd need to see it for youself because I can't explain it clearly without screenshots.
There's an idea!