November 13, 2005

Who's Collecting OOo/ODF Case Studies?

Who is collecting OpenOffice case studies in a simple, one-stop tabular format like tracks Linux adoptions?

Is it going to be the OpenOffice Newsletter? The Marketing Project? The OpenDocument Fellowship? LXer itself?

With the advent of the release of OpenOffice2 and milestone adoption cases like the State of Massachusetts' policy declaration for OpenDocument, there is about to be a cavalcade of adoptions and a great demand for leaders in potential organizations to point to a single source of support for their Open Source / Open Standard argument. The state of information on OOo/ODF adoption is diffuse to say the least, and there needs to be a single site for authoritative refernences.

My Recommended Format

The "OpenOffice/OpenDocument Case Study Database" that I recommend could be started on a simple spreadsheet and adapted to HTML in a simple content management system. Columns would look something like this:

Adopting Entity | Type of Entity | Country | City/State | Number of PCs Affected | What is Being Adopted | Contact | URL | Comments

Sample Entries

1. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ITD & Executive Branch agencies | State Government | USA | Boston, MA | 50,000 | 2.0 on Windows (various) | Peter J. Quinn, CIO | URL| 90,000 users affected

2. Swadelands School | Education | England | Maidstone, Kent | etc. etc.

Here's a simple project through which students anywhere in the world can start contributing to open source & open standards. If anyone is interested in compiling this information, I will refer you to the leaders of the communities that move first.


At 4:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice idea sam. a standard adoption tracker - might be a good place to try out the new wikicalc platform given there is some structure involved?


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